
Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Marketing

IBM’s artificial intelligence technology, Watson, is generating a buzz among marketers. More and more companies are partnering with IBM Watson to help them solve data daunting tasks for their marketing departments.

Mon Jun 6th 2016
Amanda Molitor
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Retailers Want Digital Convergence, Hindered By Strategies: RSR Study

Global shopping trends have drastically been altered with the advent of e-commerce.

Wed Apr 20th 2016
Amanda Molitor
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11 Principles of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is now an integral part of marketing for a majority of companies.

Thu Apr 7th 2016
Amanda Molitor
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Perceptions of Concussion Treatment Options

What is the current perception of concussions and concussion treatment options? And are people truly informed on the issue of concussions?

Fri Apr 1st 2016
Amanda Molitor
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Merit Mile Expands Its Technology Markets Focus With The Addition of Two Seasoned Industry Experts

Merit Mile recently announced the expansion of its Technology Markets division with the appointment of technology veterans Scott Lindars and Earl Siamundo, both serving as Director of Technology Markets.

Tue Mar 29th 2016
John Sternal
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Five Essential Ingredients of a Service Provider Marketing Plan, Part 2

Welcome back to the Five Essential Ingredients of a Service Provider Marketing Plan. In part one, we discussed finding your unique story, defining your marketing strategy and performing a marketing assessment. In part two we bring everything together into a measurable, audience-specific marketing plan.

Tue Mar 8th 2016
Scott Lindars
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Five Essential Ingredients of a Service Provider Marketing Plan, Part 1

Let’s start with the obvious. The demand for hosted services like SaaS, DaaS and storage is steadily growing and so are the number of Managed Service Providers, hosters and channel partners providing these services.

Tue Mar 1st 2016
Scott Lindars
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Differentiate or Dwindle: 3 Steps For Service Providers to Stand Out in the Crowd

Adopting cloud services is no longer a speculative if, but now a matter of when, which use cases, which business units and to which clouds or service providers. In fact, the RightScale 2016 State of the Cloud Report showed that 95% of respondents reported using some type of cloud.

Tue Feb 16th 2016
Scott Lindars
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Value of Social Media Marketing in B2B Environments

In a B2B marketing environment, having a lot of users following your brand is simply not enough, we have to move focusing only on likes and followers on our social media pages. In a B2B marketing environment, user data and the first generation of social media marketing tools

Tue Jan 26th 2016
John Sternal
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The Pop-Up Problem

Almost anytime you connect to the internet via an app or simply by visiting a website, you get bombarded with ads trying to distract you and entice you to buy their product or service. The ads are becoming more advanced, playing automatically and sometimes covering your entire screen

Thu Dec 17th 2015
John Sternal
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SMS: The New Leader in Mobile Marketing

One of the best things that a business can do is implement a SMS marketing strategy during the holiday season. With customers being bombarded by emails, print, TV ads, circulars, and push notifications there is no better way than to cut through all the noise and put the

Mon Nov 2nd 2015
John Sternal
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B2B Content Marketing Expert Strategies

The future of B2B content marketing strategies based on current trends and statistics. It seems that content marketing in B2C is much more common than content marketing in B2B. While this might be true, it is also true that more and more companies are developing B2B content

Mon Sep 28th 2015
John Sternal
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The Marketing Plan of March Madness

March Madness is one of the greatest times of the year for college basketball fans. For three weeks college basketball fans are glued to the television as well as their brackets hoping they picked the right winners and upsets. However, March Madness isn’t only a fun

Fri Apr 17th 2015
Sarah Gibson
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Social Media and Modern Day Candidacy

Appealing to listeners takes strategy. There are various ways to market and reach out to viewers, particularly nowadays with numerous content outlets to post to. Sites such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook allow people and brands to broadcast to the public

Tue Apr 14th 2015
Sarah Gibson
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Oscars Ads Not a Competition for Super Bowl Ads

Everyone always raves about Super Bowl commercials. Each year, consumers and organizations alike look forward to the Super Bowl to see the best commercials brands have to show. With slots costing upwards of 4.5 million dollars, it is no wonder Super Bowl

Wed Mar 4th 2015
Sarah Gibson
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Brooke Pancake and LPGA Marketing

In today’s media-saturated world, brands need to find a way to break through the clutter in order to have the desired impact on their audience. For sports brands, engaging with supporters is a crucial part of their marketing strategy. What’s more making

Fri Feb 13th 2015
Sarah Gibson
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Owning Your Social Media Mistakes Could Save You From Embarrassment

Social media mistakes are not always easy to fix. For companies that have an online presence, few, if any, can afford to have a social media blunder. The Internet is quick in pointing out mistakes and not readily willing to forgive. However, every once in a while

Mon Jan 5th 2015
Sarah Gibson
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Rules of Engagement

Engaging with an audience is one part skill, one part reach and one part timing. All parts add up to what businesses hope to be a constructive conversation that further establishes the brand in the eyes of consumers. Social media managers spend an ornate amount

Wed Dec 17th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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Remarketing: Because Once Is Never Enough

Trying to convert site visitors into leads is no small task. With a little help from remarketing, companies experience a growth in revenue and brand awareness that simply cannot be denied. A Loews Hotels case study shows that the hotel company saw an increase

Wed Dec 10th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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Mobile Advertising Making Up Businesses Top Spending

Companies have observed that in order to stay in the game, they must not only have an online presence but a mobile one as well. A recent Business Insider article reported that businesses have started to more heavily invest in mobile advertising

Fri Dec 5th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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